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Results for ‘bimetal band saw’


receive CBN-coated band saw blade technology for the first time in order to economically saw 3D hard alloys and hardened ferrous materials of up to 70 HRC. WIKUS will present the new band saw blades for the [...] expanding its product portfolio to include cubic boron nitride (CBN) coated CUBOGRIT® band saw blades. WIKUS presents a new band saw blade innovation: CUBOGRIT® enables process-reliable machining of hardened ferrous [...] leading range of high-tech sawing tools and once again demonstrating that we are a major contributor to trends in the sawing industry.” CUBOGRIT® K, the continual CBN-coated band saw blade for small workpiece

WIKUS inline production

the saw blades MARATHON ® M42, PRIMAR ® M42 and PROFLEX ® M42 are now available in optimized versions. Spangenberg, May 8, 2023: The MARATHON ® M42, PRIMAR ® M42 and PROFLEX ® M42 bimetallic band saw blades [...] M42 The versatile option in Level-1 for small and medium-sized workpieces PROFLEX® M42 The perfect band saw blade for profiles MORE NEWS 29. March 2023 WIKUS expands the executive management of the corporate

Tech Tips

Insertion of a band saw blade In this video we show you the correct insertion of a band saw blade in a band saw machine. Twisting of a band saw blade In this Video we Show you how to twist up a band saw blade correctly [...] correctly. Opening of a band saw blade in the shape of a pretzel In this video we show you the correct opening of a band saw blade in the shape of a pretzel. Opening of a band saw blade In this video we [...] correct coiling up of a band saw blad This applies after band change, at the end of the tool life or when a massive change of profile or material is necessary and a different saw band would be more efficient

Your Benefits
Cost reduction

universal band saw blade to reduce band changes or if you require an inexpensive product for simple sawing tasks - we have the right solution for every requirement: High-performance, universal band saw blades [...] years of experience in the production of saw blades. Peak power of WIKUS Hightech-Saw Blades: Cut for cut more productivity, more efficiency, lower costs. Band saw blades for high standards Excellent cutting [...] application range of the band saw blades and high flexibility in serial and mixed operating mode; this increases the machine availability and reduces manpower needs because the band needs to be replaced less


a new band saw blade Band stability, band length Note Correct band tension is extremely important for the life span of a band saw blade and the precision of the cut. If the band tension is too low, it [...] cutting sequence. If the band tension is too high, the band may break Insertion of a band saw blade In this video we show you the correct insertion of a band saw blade in a band saw machine. Max Frank Technical [...] the band saw blade and the collar of the impeller Condition of the guides Band backing guides Guide is too long: Deviation of the band saw blade leads to a cutting sequence, possibly a broken band Side

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WIKUS Saw Technology, Corp
WIKUS Canada Ltd.
WIKUS Saw Technology (Shanghai) Co. Ltd
WIKUS India Pvt. Ltd.