Results for ‘proflex M42’
MARATHON ® M42 (industrial applications with high-performance requirements). All other dimensions and tooth forms of BIFLEX ® M42 can be found under PRIMAR ® M42. ECOFLEX® M42 /ECOFLEX® NE M42 PRIMAR ® M42 will [...] band saw blade orders? As of April 1, 2022, the article groups ECOFLEX ® M42, ECOFLEX ® NE M42, VARIO ® M42 as well as BIFLEX ® M42 cannot be ordered anymore. Orders which will reach us after April 1, 2022 [...] Product Range MARATHON® M42, PROFLEX® M42 and PRIMAR® M42 will cover almost all common applications in the bimetal sector in the corresponding dimensions in the future. MARATHON® M42 – the All-Rounder Level
t steels Product range used PROFLEX® M42 The perfect band saw blade for profiles. PROFLEX® PREMIUM M42 The hard material coated band saw blade for profiles. PROFLEX® SW M42 Special design for profiles [...] Al alloys Product range used PROFLEX® M42 The perfect band saw blade for profiles. PROFLEX® PREMIUM M42 The hard material coated band saw blade for profiles. PROFLEX® SW M42 Special design for profiles [...] profiles made of residual stress material. MARATHON® M42 The all-purpose band saw blade for medium and large cross-sections. PROFIDUR® M42 The coated professional for profiles. Sheet metal and profile processing
WIKUS inline production All dimensions from 13mm bandwidth of the saw bands MARATHON ® M42, PRIMAR ® M42 and PROFLEX ® M42 are now available with Superfinish. How you can benefit from the advantages of WIKUS [...] special applications Cutting Material M42 The blade backing material is made of alloyed steel that offers excellent continuous operation properties Proven cutting material M42 with superior wear resistance in [...] watchlist PROFLEX ® M42 Product level 2 Profile tooth Profiles Band width 13 x 0.65 - 67 x 1.6mm Band width 1/2 x 0.025 - 2-5/8 x 0.063 Inch To the product Add to watchlist Added to watchlist PROFLEX ® SW M42
transmission, spare and wear parts, cabins) Product range used SKALAR® PREMIUM M42 High performance and extra blade-life. PROFLEX® M42 The perfect band saw blade for profiles. FUTURA® PREMIUM The high-performance
Production technology Hydraulic lines Product range used SKALAR® PREMIUM M42 High performance and extra blade-life PROFLEX® M42 The perfect band saw blade for profiles WIKUS IN DER BAUMASCHINENINDUSTRIE