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the market a highly efficient solution with the specially developed bimetal blade SKALAR®. SKALAR® - considerable increase of cutting performance and lifetime when cutting different materials In the past [...] for machine tools, manufacturing and automation technology in Hall 2, Stand F34 from the 5th to the 8th of February 2019 in Leipzig. Press Contact Elke Sachs, Head of Marketing +49 5663 500 234 +49 5663
rotor and rear belt guides, excessive starting of the belt rear on the rotor flange or rotor failure - i.e. concentricity deviations, rotor conicity. Eliminate weld seam breakage by re-welding A seam weld
sustainable energy supply to reduce the use of fossil fuels are targeted. Figure 3: WIforyou campaign - "A shoebox for happy children's hearts": The boxes were put together by WIKUS employees, donated to
durable tools in order to remain fit for the future. We are constantly evolving as a driver of innovation - shoulder-to-shoulder between the will to invest and opportunities for growth, with a focus on sustainability
concluded and a good order backlog bodes well for the achievement of the ambitious sales targets for 2023 - despite the global crisis mode and changeable markets. The reasons for these developments: Process