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Spangenberg, 18. December 2020:– Even before the developments in 2020, WIKUS had begun to equip itself for the future, especially in the areas of digitalization and new concepts of collaboration, and was therefore able to respond quickly to this particular situation and to once again position itself as a reliable partner, even in times of crisis.
In 2020, WIKUS proved how important reliability, partnership and competence are, especially in these uncertain times, in its cooperation with customers and partners. For example, despite the lockdown and further restrictions in production and administration, customers were always able to rely on the availability and on-time delivery of all WIKUS products, thus maintaining planning security.
In order to optimize the order processes even more for the customer, WIKUS has developed WIstore®. This is a dynamic tool management system that guarantees the reliability of delivery and supply thanks to an automation of the order processes and at the same time helps the customers to focus on their core processes and to reduce process costs in the areas of purchasing and logistics. The WIstore® portal also gives customers a transparent, up-to-date overview of stock levels as well as consumption analyses. It digitizes three phases of tool management – replacement, warehousing and intralogistics. WIstore® is just ONE digital tool from the existing WIKUS range. This also includes the Blade Selector, which allows customers to identify the optimal band saw blade in just a few steps and request a quotation, as well as ParaMaster®, which is also available as a free app. The ParaMaster® website is available now with a new design and is even more application-oriented. Its most important functions include the band saw blade selection, the determination of the cutting parameters and the cutting cost analysis.
Digitale Tools können den Sägeprozess innerhalb der Produktion effizienter gestalten. Die Qualität eines direkten und partnerschaftlichen Austauschs können sie jedoch nicht vollständig ersetzen. WIKUS ist daher gerade im Hinblick auf Service- und Beratungsleistung eine persönliche und kontinuierliche Zusammenarbeit mit den Kunden besonders wichtig, um die bestmögliche Sägelösung für die Anwendung zu erzielen. Im Jahr 2020, in welchem Reiseaktivitäten und Termine vor Ort aufgrund der Pandemie häufig nicht zustande kamen, fand die individuelle Kundenbetreuung sowie technische Beratung online statt. Kunden und Partner konnten durch die digitale Zusammenarbeit ohne Einschränkungen von Serviceleistungen und Know-how der WIKUS-Experten profitieren.
Auch die Seminare der WIkademy® wurden 2020 in Form von Webinaren erstmals online angeboten. Kompetenz und praxisorientiertes Wissen zum aktuellen Technologiestand beim Sägen und zu den Möglichkeiten der Leistungssteigerung bei gleichzeitiger Kostenreduktion für jeden Wissenstand zu vermitteln: Das ist das Ziel des Fortbildungszentrums von WIKUS. Und so konnten auch bei den Webinaren sowohl Einsteiger als auch Experten die für sie passenden Inhalte finden. Insbesondere in Zeiten von Kurzarbeit und gestrichenen Dienstreisen nahmen die Kunden und Partner die Möglichkeit wahr, sich auf digitalem Weg über die WIkademy® weiter zu qualifizieren. Für 2021 ist daher geplant, die Webinare als Alternative zu den Präsenzveranstaltungen weiter auszubauen.
WIKUS is a technology leader that even sets trends with its high-tech sawing tools. Therefore, in 2020, WIKUS stepped up its commitment in the area of research and development and was awarded the research seal ”Innovative through Research” from the Association for the Promotion of German Science for research and development work for the fourth time in a row. WIKUS is constantly investing in innovations in order to offer its customers sawing solutions that are suitable for their specific requirements. This has led to numerous developments that are used in current trend areas, for example cutting high-tech materials or post-processing in additive manufacturing. Both are markets that set particularly high requirements for precision in the sawing process and will continue to grow even after 2020.
The global lockdown in the spring and winter is sure to remain in many people’s memory for a long time: topics such as health and social responsibility suddenly came to the fore. At WIKUS in Spangenberg, comprehensive protection and hygiene measures were taken and mobile working was established in all areas of the company where it was possible. This meant that the WIKUS employees in all production areas were able to continue to safely produce band saw blades, process customer orders and create new ways of collaboration. One of the things that helped to implement the new ways of working was the company headquarters' guiding principle "Openness in mind and space". It expresses what WIKUS is all about: The WIKUS Sägenfabrik is always consciously breaking new ground in order to remain sustainable and fit for the future. This continuously generates new impulses on the way to become a META (Most Efficient Technology and Administration) Company. Accordingly, over the past few years, WIKUS has already created new production areas, installed efficient machines and established modern working environments in the administrative corporate center WI.com. Conditions that put WIKUS in a position to manage its national and international activities with agility and to reliably supply its local and distant customers with precision band saw blades, circular saw blades and services in the extraordinary year of 2020.
In 2021, WIKUS will continue to work on innovative sawing solutions “Made in Germany” that sustainably improve the sawing process and make it more efficient, with its more than 60 years of experience. In a present in which many companies and institutions are under pressure during the coronavirus pandemic and will have to struggle with the consequences in the coming months and years, the goal of reducing costs is becoming more and more relevant. This is an issue that has already led to a restructuring of the company so that WIKUS is ready for the future. WIKUS has decided, amongst other things, to cease the production of and trade in carbon steel band saw blades in March 2021.
Therefore, in 2021, WIKUS will continue to help its customers, as usual, to face the challenges that arise and to develop strategies and measures for further increasing the efficiency of the sawing process. Cooperative partnership will continue to play a central role in this: the past year has shown how important an intensive dialogue and enhanced cooperation are for equipping oneself for the future. Topics such as digitization, automation, artificial intelligence and energy efficiency will continue to become increasingly relevant.
Keep informed about our activities and news and register for the new WIKUS newsletter. You can also find information relating to topics, products, customers, events and webinars at LinkedIn and on the YouTube channel.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2021! Stay healthy!
Please note: Our company is closed from 23rd December to 3rd January.
Diana Thiel, Marketing Officer