Image for editorial purposes
Spangenberg, September 20, 2022: The leading trade fair for metalworking AMB 2022 finally opened its doors again in Stuttgart after a four-year break. Around 1,250 exhibitors presented their precision tools, automation solutions and digital tools for the metalworking of tomorrow across 120,000 square meters. The world market and technology leader WIKUS was also there: Europe's largest manufacturer of band saw blades provided personal advice to visitors of their booth and showed its closely interlinked products and services – from the automated tool management system WIstockIT® to the cutting data program ParaMaster® and the 3D showroom.
Among other things, the WIKUS experts answered questions about which products and digital solutions will pave the way for metalworking’s success in the future. Prof. Claus Oetter, Managing Director of Software and Digitalization at the VDMA trade association, was one of those who emphasized at AMB that it is becoming increasingly important for the metalworking industry to continue to address digital topics and technologies in the future.. With such solutions and services, WIKUS also supports its customers in improving their sawing processes. “Both high-performance sawing tools and digital service offerings are more important today than ever before. That’s why we are especially delighted to have met our customers and partners in person again in Stuttgart and to discuss the latest trends in the metalworking industry," says Michael Möller, Managing Director of the Business Group and Sales Division of WIKUS. “Innovative strength, trusted partnerships, and a strong focus on precision work have made WIKUS a global leader in metal sawing for more than 60 years. Our digital tools and services are also optimizing the sawing processes here and are successfully continuing on this path with an eye to the future.”
Visitors to the AMB were able to try out a selection of digital solutions live on a large screen at the WIKUS booth: These included the WIstockIT® tool management system, which uses IoT and RFID technology to automate procurement processes and save costs in purchasing and logistics. The app-based ParaMaster® cutting data program, in turn, allows optimum cutting parameters to be set, thus increasing cost efficiency in the production process and ensuring more sustainable use of saw solutions.
WIKUS customers not only benefited from the expertise of the experts at the booth, but were also able to see for themselves the added value of the high-quality and high-performance sawing tools during a virtual walk through the new WIKUS 3D Showroom. In guided tours through the digital production hall on a tablet or on a large screen, they could experience the WIKUS sawing tools with their technical features directly via 360° animation and the highest detail resolution.
AMB thus once again served as an important industry meeting point for innovations in metalworking and informative technical discussions and consultations – at the WIKUS booth these specifically revolved around the individual requirements of sawing users and solutions for optimizing sawing processes.
1 Press release for AMB 2022, Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH. Online at: www.pressebox.de/inaktiv/landesmesse-stuttgart-gmbh-1/Back-in-the-Game-voll-belegtes-Messegelaende-zur-AMB-2022/boxid/1127531
Diana Thiel, Marketing Officer